If you ’ re like many Christians, you have probably started out on January 1 committing to read through the entire Bible in a year, only to give up in March because you were behind or got bogged down in Leviticus. Although reading through the Bible each year is ideal, it is an elusive goal. That ’s where this three-year Bible reading program can be effective. The largest portion of the Bible, the Old Testament, makes up 75% of the entire book. Less than 13% of the Scripture ’s primary interpretation is directed to the New Testament believers of the Church Age, found primarily in the New Testament Letters. Certainly all Scripture is profitable for the New Testament believer (2 Timothy 3:16) and all Scripture should be read, studied, and understood by believers today. This three-year Bible reading program emphasizes the passages which are foundational to the believer’s walk in the world and worship in the Body of Christ—all the while recognizing that the...